CE certification
Since 1998, the Recreational Craft Directive has required pleasure craft to be CE-certified if they are placed on the market within the EU.
Different modules can be used for the certification. The used module is dependent on hull length and the desired design category.
A boat with a hull length of 12 metres or more, needs to be certified according to module B or G if the desired design category is A, B or C. For category D, modules A1 and A can also be used.
A boat that is less than 12 metres long can be certified to categories A and B using modules B, G or A1. Module A can be used for categories C and D.
Certification according to module B, G or PCA: 4000-6000EUR.
Module A1 certification: around 2000EUR.
Tests and documentation required for module A: 700-1000EUR.
Module A allows the manufacturer to carry out the obligations of the directive without the involvement of a Notified Body. The manufacturer takes full responsibility for declaring that the product satisfies the requirements of the directive.
Module A1 is de facto module A added with stability and flotation tests carried out under the responsibility of a Notified Body.
Module B covers EC-Type Examination, where a Notified Body issues an EC-Type Examination certificate. The Notified Body will check that the boat complies with all applicable parts of the directive. The Notified Body will also inspect and approve the technical documentation according to which the boat is produced.
Module G covers unit verification of the craft controlled by a Notified Body, which issues a certificate of conformity. Module G is best suited for e.g. one-off boats.
PCA (Post Construction Assessment) is applicable e.g. for boats imported from outside the EU, or for work boats converted to recreational craft. PCA is in effect same as module G.